How To Make Mint Tea

By Hira Waheed

27 May 2023

Mint tea, with its invigorating aroma and refreshing taste, has been enjoyed for centuries. It offers a delightful way to reap the numerous health benefits of mint leaves. In this article, we will explore the advantages of mint tea, including its potential benefits for digestion, relaxation, and overall well-being. Additionally, we will provide you with a simple and easy-to-follow recipe to make mint tea in the comfort of your own home.

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Health Benefits of Mint Tea

Digestive Aid

Mint has been traditionally used to soothe digestive discomfort, including indigestion, bloating, and stomach cramps. It may help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and promote healthy digestion.

Freshens Breath

Mint's natural antibacterial properties can help freshen breath and improve oral health.

Relieves Stress and Promotes Relaxation

The aroma of mint has a calming effect on the mind and body, making it an excellent choice for relaxation and stress relief.

Supports Respiratory Health

Mint tea may help alleviate congestion and soothe the respiratory system, providing relief from coughs, colds, and allergies.

Antioxidant Properties

Mint leaves are rich in antioxidants that can help combat oxidative stress and promote overall well-being. In such times of stress, you most likely need it!

Making Mint Tea at Home

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  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves (or 1 tablespoon dried mint leaves)
  • 2 cups water
  • Optional: Honey or lemon for sweetness and flavor


  1. Gather fresh mint leaves from your garden or purchase them from a trusted source. Rinse the leaves thoroughly under cool water to remove any dirt or impurities.
  2. If using fresh mint leaves, gently crush or bruise them slightly with your fingers to release their aromatic oils. This step is optional but can enhance the flavor of the tea.
  3. In a small saucepan, bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
  4. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add the fresh or dried mint leaves to the saucepan. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes to allow the mint flavor to infuse into the water.
  5. After simmering, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the tea steep for an additional 5 minutes.
  6. Strain the mint leaves from the tea, using a fine mesh strainer or a tea infuser.
  7. If desired, add a drizzle of honey or a squeeze of lemon to enhance the taste and add a touch of sweetness.
  8. Pour the freshly brewed mint tea into cups or mugs, and enjoy it hot or chilled.

Remember to adjust the sweetness and flavor according to your preference. Feel free to experiment with different variations, such as adding other herbs like lemon balm or a slice of fresh ginger for added zest.

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