Can I Take IV Drips In Ramadan?

By Mary Ann

26 March 2023

Ramzan, also known as Ramadan, is a holy month for Muslims worldwide. It is the month of fasting, where Muslims fast from dawn till dusk, refraining from eating and drinking during this period. Muslims fast during this month as a way of demonstrating devotion and submission to Allah, seeking forgiveness and atonement for their sins.

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During Ramzan, Muslims observe specific rules and regulations that are important to follow. For instance, Muslims are required to avoid eating and drinking during daylight hours. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, which may include those with health conditions.


In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of individuals taking intravenous (IV) drips during Ramzan. IV drips are a form of medical treatment that involves administering fluids, electrolytes, or medications directly into the veins. This trend has raised questions about whether it is permissible to take IV drips during the holy month of Ramzan.

The answer to this question is not straightforward, as there are different interpretations and opinions among Islamic scholars. Some scholars believe that taking IV drips during Ramzan is not permissible, while others argue that it is permissible under certain circumstances.

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One of the main arguments against taking IV drips during Ramzan is that it violates the spirit of fasting. Fasting is a form of worship that involves self-discipline, self-restraint, and spiritual purification. By taking IV drips, one is effectively breaking the fast and circumventing the rules of Ramzan. Moreover, taking IV drips may be seen as an indulgence or a way of seeking comfort during the fasting period, which goes against the spirit of sacrifice and humility that fasting is intended to instill.


On the other hand, some scholars argue that taking IV drips during Ramzan is permissible under certain circumstances. For instance, if a person has a medical condition that requires them to take fluids or medications, they may be exempt from fasting. In such cases, taking IV drips may be necessary to maintain their health and well-being. Similarly, if a person is traveling and cannot fast due to the hardship of travel, they may be exempt from fasting and may be permitted to take IV drips if necessary.

Read more: How To Stay Hydrated In Ramadan?

However, it is important to note that even if taking IV drips is permissible under certain circumstances, one should still consult with a qualified Islamic scholar or a medical professional before doing so. A medical professional can determine whether IV drips are necessary and can advise on the appropriate course of action. Similarly, an Islamic scholar can provide guidance on the permissibility of taking IV drips and can offer advice on alternative forms of worship or spiritual practices that can be performed during Ramzan.

Moreover, taking IV drips during Ramzan should not be seen as a substitute for proper medical care. If a person has a medical condition that requires them to take fluids or medications, they should seek appropriate medical treatment and follow the advice of their healthcare provider. Taking IV drips without proper medical supervision can be dangerous and may cause harm to one's health.

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In conclusion, the question of whether it is permissible to take IV drips during Ramzan is a complex one that requires careful consideration of Islamic teachings and medical advice. While some scholars may view taking IV drips as permissible under certain circumstances, others may argue that it violates the spirit of fasting. As such, it is important to consult with qualified Islamic scholars and medical professionals before making any decisions regarding IV drips during Ramzan. Furthermore, taking IV drips should not be seen as a substitute for proper medical care and should only be done under the supervision of a qualified medical professional. Ultimately, the goal of Ramzan is to deepen one's connection with Allah and to seek spiritual purification, and this should be the guiding principle in any decision related to fasting during this holy month.

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