8 Ways To Save Money This Ramadan

By Andrea Cooper

7 February 2023

Ramadan is an important time of the year for many Muslims, but with all the celebrations, gifts, and gatherings, it can get expensive. Hence, it is important to find out the best budget tips for Ramadan. You may have a big family or a small family but fasting and feasting will always continue. Hence, we found a few tips to help you save money this Ramadan

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1- Set Ramadan Budget For Your Spending

Before the festivities begin, it's crucial to know your budget. Here is what you can make a list of and calculate the expenses.

  • Grocery
  • Zakat
  • Fidyah and fitrah amounts
  • Eidi (gift money)
  • Eid clothes
  • Home Decor
  • Eid and iftari party budget
  • Monthly fixed expenses (bills, fees)

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So basically, you have a fixed cost and a variable cost. This way you can budget your Ramadan and save money this Ramadan. Remember you have to save now to spend later. So start now and save right now to spend on Eid.

2- Shop At Discount

We know Ramadan means a lot of food. Well if not a lot at least more than the normal months. So what do you do? Shop in bulk at discount stores for Ramadan. If you are an expatriate then find good halal stores for Ramadan grocery shopping. This will help you in saving your grocery trip while fasting. And, you would be getting better-priced products in bulk.

This means other than perishable goods you can easily buy chickpeas, powders, and sauces to last the month.

3- Cook At Home

Yes, instead of having expensive iftari at eateries. You cook at home! Make small yet flavorsome meals at home. One more thing you must do to save money in Ramzan is to make certain spices and condiments at home such as :

  • Ginger garlic paste
  • Tomato paste
  • Pesto sauce

Just google how to make pesto sauce at home or how to make hummus at home and you are sorted to save money.

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Instead of buying canned food, use fresh and boiled them at home. For instance, canned chickpeas and red beans can be boiled in advance so in Ramadan you are free.

4- Make a Weekly Menu

Make a weekly menu to balance the use of greens, plants, and poultry in your diet. Not only this will help you lose weight in Ramadan. But also give you the right energy to fast and be active.

5- Keep It Simple

Be it anything in this blessed month keep it simple and budget-friendly this Ramadan. Try these simple techniques:

  • Have only three to four items for iftar
  • Make one dish for dinner and reuse it in sehri
  • Cook in advance and store it
  • Make affordable new clothes 

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If you have less cash just wear your clean ironed clothes. However, there is another way!

6- Buy From Sales

Yes, there are sales so save money for Ramadan by buying from sale counters. This is one better move to wear clothes that may help your children feel happier about the whole happiness of new clothes while you save money!

Always plan your sale shopping so you can wear the shopping haul later at a suitable time like this!

7- Charity > Spending

Make sure to involve kids in charity! Teach them the importance of charity during Ramadan. There is one thing where they have to be most open-hearted and that is charity! Globally Muslims take this opportunity to help those who have less! Be it virtual or real-time help offer your help and money to a cause that benefits you!

8- Iftar Potluck

Meet at least once a month by making one simple dish and a whole lot of loved ones together. Instead of hosting multiple dishes from one household, this is how you can save money in Ramadan!

Meet at one place and plan a one-dish iftar party or a big potluck party!

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