How To Manage Hair Loss In Men
By Zeeshan
27 October 2022
Hair Loss in Men

What actually hair loss is?
Hair loss, also called alopecia, is a disorder characterized by disruption of the body's circulatory system. Hair loss can occur anywhere in the body, but it usually affects the scalp. On average, the scalp has 100,000 hairs circulating in periods of growth, rest, fall, and rejuvenation.
Hair loss (alopecia) can occur due to:
Genetic Inheritance
Hormonal changes
Medical conditions
A normal part of aging.
Both men and women face hair loss problems, but it is more common in men.
Baldness- An extreme hair loss condition
Baldness means an extreme loss of hairs present on the scalp. It occurs most commonly due to Genetic hair loss. Some people choose to remain untreated or hide their hair loss. Some may cover it with scarves or caps or hats. While some prefer available treatments to prevent further hair loss or promote hair regrowth.
Before pursuing a hair loss treatment, one should talk to their doctor about the cause of their hair loss and treatment options.
According to a study, people usually lose around 100 hairs a day. This is usually not the case because new hair is growing at the same time. Hair loss occurs when new hair is replaced by fallen hair.
Hair loss usually occurs due to one or more factors that are as follows:
Family History (Genetics):
The most common cause of hair loss is a genetic predisposition to aging. It usually occurs gradually and with unpredictable patterns - thinning hair and bald spots in men and thinning hair near the skin crown for women.
Hormonal Changes And Health Conditions:
Permanent or temporary hair loss can occur due to different hormonal changes or health conditions which include pregnancy, menstrual cycle or menopause, and problems with the thyroid. Medical conditions include alopecia aerate, which is related to the immune system and causes hair loss, skin diseases such as ringworm, and hair loss called trichotillomania.
Medications And Supplements:
Hair loss can be the result of certain drugs, such as those used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, and high blood pressure.
Radiation Therapy On The Head:
Due to radiation, hairs got damaged and may not grow as it grows earlier.
A Very Stressful Event:
Most people experience normal hair loss within a few months after a physical or emotional shock. This type of hair loss occurs only for a short period of time (during the period of stress or shock).
Hair Styles And Treatments:
Excessive hair loss or thinning hair can cause a type of hair loss which is known as traction alopecia. Hot-temperature hair treatment can cause hair loss. If scars develop, hair loss may be permanent.
Risk Factors
There are many factors that can increase the risk of hair loss, including:
Family background of hair loss or baldness
Significant weight loss
Certain medical disease conditions which include diabetes and lupus
How it can be controlled?
Here are some tips to help you avoid the types of preventable hair loss:
Be gentle with your hair. Use a clipper and avoid pulling while brushing and combing, especially if your hair is wet. A comb with wide teeth can help prevent hair loss. Avoid harsh treatments such as hot rollers, curling irons, heat treatments, and permanent medications. Minimize hair tension in styles that use rubber bands, barrettes, and braids.
Ask your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking that may cause hair loss.
Protect your hair from light sources such as direct sunlight or any source of ultraviolet light.
Stop smoking. Some studies indicate a link between smoking and baldness in men.
If you are being treated with chemotherapy, then ask the doctor to wear you a cooling cap. This can reduce the risk of hair loss during the treatment.
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