Why Scaling Is The Answer To Your Oral Beauty?

By Mia Evelyn

22 January 2023

I'm not a big fan of getting my teeth professionally cleaned. My teeth are stained. Dentists are one of those things that sounds like it should be fun and relaxing, but I never really felt any kind of connection with the dentist. Maybe it's because he was always on his phone during our appointments. Or maybe it was just because there were all those newfangled devices that would make my mouth hurt more than the actual cleaning itself? Anyway, after years of neglecting my dental health (and paying out-of-pocket), I recently decided to start taking better care of myself. One thing I knew needed help was my tooth enamel—it's been chipped since I was young and now looks so dull and yellowish that even a pop tart is too much for me to chew through without breaking into little pieces under the pressure. Fortunately, though, all hope wasn't lost: The good news is that dentists have developed a technique called scaling which can bring your teeth back to their former glory. But remember to see your oral hygiene is on point and check whether you are making these mistakes for your teeth care!

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What is Scaling?

Scaling is a dental procedure that involves the use of specialized instruments to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the surface of the teeth. This procedure is typically performed by a dentist or dental hygienist and can be done on both natural teeth and dental restorations such as crowns and bridges.

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Benefits of Scaling

  1. Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: Plaque and tartar buildup are the main causes of tooth decay and gum disease. Scaling helps to remove these harmful substances from the surface of the teeth, thereby reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  2. Improve Gum Health: Scaling can also help to improve the health of the gums by removing bacteria that cause inflammation and bleeding. Healthy gums are essential for maintaining a beautiful smile.
  3. Freshen Breath: Plaque and tartar buildup can also lead to bad breath. Scaling can help to eliminate the source of bad breath, leaving you with fresher breath and a more confident smile.
  4. Enhance Aesthetics: Scaling can also help to enhance the aesthetics of your smile by removing surface stains caused by tobacco, coffee, and other substances. 

How Often Should You Get Scaling?

The frequency of scaling depends on the individual. For people who are at low risk of tooth decay and gum disease, scaling may be recommended every six months. For those at a higher risk, scaling may be recommended every three to four months. Your dentist will be able to recommend the best schedule for you based on your oral health history and condition.

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If you're looking for a way to take care of your oral health, scaling is the answer. Scaling helps prevent gum disease and tooth loss, cavities, bad breath, and more. It's an important part of any dental visit because it removes plaque from between teeth--the thin layer of bacteria that builds up over time if not removed by regular brushing or flossing.

The best thing about scaling is that it's fast: in just one minute or less (depending on how many surfaces need attention), your dentist will have removed all traces of food particles from around each tooth surface so that they can be cleaned properly during regular cleanings every six months or so.

To Conclude

Scaling is an essential part of maintaining oral beauty. It helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, improves gum health, freshens breath, and enhances the aesthetics of your smile. By getting regular scaling, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy, and your smile looks its best. Don't neglect your oral health and schedule regular scaling appointments with your dentist.

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