CBC Reviews Withdrawal Effects From Domperidone

By Zeeshan

31 January 2023

Health Canada is investigating the psychological symptoms of Domperidone! It is a drug commonly prescribed to help lactating mothers.
Breastfeeding mothers.jpg
"This safety review, which started in December 2022, was prompted by domestic and foreign case reports of withdrawal symptoms after stopping or reducing the dose of domperidone used to stimulate lactation," the statement by Health Canada said. 
Domperidone is used for gastrointestinal disorders. However, in many countries, it is used for breastfeeding mothers. But, Canadian Health Department has not permitted the use of this medicine for mothers.

Domperidone Effects

Health Canada is reviewing the effects of the medicine. As some women experienced anxiety, insomnia as well as low moods.
CBC's investigation has exposed that certain doctors write a very high dose of Domperidone to increase breast milk which is shady because there are not enough trials to prove the medicine works for lactating mothers most healthily.
Toronto pharmacist and researcher Mina Tadrous is apprehensive about the drug trial results as he said,
"The company may not have intended it for that, so the original clinical trials were not designed for that. And so it means that they have to look at different mechanisms to be able to evaluate the safety of these drugs," 

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