What Is Skin Peeling? - Everything You Need To Know About It

By Mary Ann

21 December 2022

In a chemical peel, the top layers of the skin are removed by applying a chemical solution to the skin. The skin that regenerates is softer. To get the desired results, you might need to undergo a light or medium peel more than once.

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Chemical peels are frequently used to heal scars, discolored skin, and wrinkles on the face. They may be performed separately or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. Additionally, they can be performed at a range of depths, from shallow to deep. The results of deeper chemical peels are more spectacular, but the healing process takes longer.

Why is it done?

A chemical peel is a method of resurfacing the skin. Depending on the issues you're attempting to address with the operation, you might choose a chemical peel in one of three depths:

Minimal Chemical Peel

A light (superficial) chemical peel removes the skin's surface layer (epidermis). It is used to treat acne, fine wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and dryness. You can get a light peeling every two to five weeks.

Moderate Chemical Peel

Skin cells from the epidermis and some of the upper layers of your middle layer of skin are removed during a medium chemical peel (dermis). It can be used to treat wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and acne scars. You might need to repeat the process in order to get or maintain the desired result.

Deep Chemical Peel

A deep chemical peel removes even more skin cells. Your doctor might recommend one if you have more severe wrinkles, scars, or precancerous growths. You won't have to take any more measures in order to get the desired outcomes.

Deep wrinkles, deep scars, and drooping skin cannot be treated with chemical peels.

Chemical Peel Before and After 1


Several negative outcomes of a chemical peel include:

Edema, Scabbing, and Redness

Skin that has had a chemical peel typically becomes red after healing. For a few months following a mild or deep chemical peel, there may be redness. 


Scarring can occasionally result in a chemical peel; this usually happens on the lower face. These scars can be made less noticeable by using steroid and antibiotic drugs.

Alterations in skin tone

A chemical peel may result in the treated skin becoming either lighter or darker than usual (hyperpigmentation) (hypopigmentation). After minor peels, hyperpigmentation is more frequent, while hypopigmentation is more frequent after deep peels. People with brown or black skin experience these issues more frequently, and they sometimes result in permanent issues.


A chemical peel can produce a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection, such as a cold sore outbreak or an outbreak of the herpes virus.

Liver, Renal, or Heart Problems

Carbolic acid (phenol), which is used in a thorough chemical peel, can harm heart muscle and cause the heart to beat erratically. The liver and kidneys can both be harmed by phenol. A deep chemical peel is performed in portions over 10- to 20-minute periods to reduce phenol exposure.

Chemical Peel Before and After 2- 

You may additionally need to:

Use an antiviral drug.

To help avoid a viral infection, your doctor may advise taking an antiviral medicine both before and after treatment.

Apply retinol cream.

To aid in healing, your doctor may advise using a retinoid cream for a few weeks before treatment, such as tretinoin (Renova, Retin-A).

Use a bleaching substance.

To lessen the possibility of side effects, your doctor can advise applying a retinoid cream, a bleaching agent (hydroquinone), or both before or after the surgery.

Steer clear of direct sun exposure.

Before the surgery, excessive sun exposure can result in permanently uneven pigmentation in the treated areas. With your doctor, go over sun protection measures and safe sun exposure levels.

Avoid certain cosmetic procedures and hair removal methods.

Stop using hair removal methods like electrolysis or depilatories about a week before the peel. Additionally, avoid using facial washes, facial masks, permanent waves, or hair straightening treatments in the week leading up to your peel. Start refraining from shaving the treatment areas 24 hours before your peel.

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